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The Meticulous Manicurist Pedicure Course has been modified to meet the needs of at home care givers. Below you will find courses to meet your needs.

pedicure at home thick nails

Pedicure, Ingrown, Electric File Toenail Cleaning at Home

In need of restoring a toenail problem like thick toenails, pincer toenails, fungal toenails, ingrown toenails, etc. This is the course that includes electric file training and an explanation of all the tools and techniques to make sure you do not injure your loved ones while working on their toenails at home.

pedicure at home

Pedicure and Ingrown Toenail Cleaning Course

Learn how to care for your family's toenails at home with the expert pedicure instruction provided by Lori Halloway, The Meticulous Manicurist. Learn about the tools and techniques professionals use, step-by-step pedicure procedures, Ingrown and Impacted toenail cleaning, and a bonus lesson of Nail Polish Techniques.